

2024-02-11 30 years Workington - Selm

30 years of twinning between Selm and Workington
The carnival weekend was also a very special weekend for the town twinnings of the town of Selm. From Friday to Monday, 29 guests from Workington, Walincourt-Selvigny and Iwkowa spent the weekend here.
On Saturday, they cheered on the carnival parade together with many friends from Selm. The costumes of the city partners reflected the diversity of cultural influences, so you could see Robin Hood, Sherlock, King Arthur as well as the French football fan or the Frenchman in a beret, the Polish woman in a typical national costume or typical German lederhosen.
After the street carnival, the city partners continued to celebrate for a long time in the community centre.
Sunday began for everyone with a multilingual church service in Bork. Afterwards, the guests visited Vischering Castle and learnt more about the history of the castle. In the evening, they met again in the community centre for an official anniversary celebration with dancing and games.
In their speeches, the mayors and twinning chairmen emphasised the importance of such links for intercultural understanding as a basis for peace in the world.
The evening began to everyone's delight with a performance by the young Selm band Colortones, with Thomas Jockenhoefer playing the bagpipes and typical songs from the north of England as a surprise. Another surprise was the visit of Selm's prince and princess and their little girl at the event. This was followed by musical contributions from the guests from England, France and Poland, with many songs to sing along to.

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